Unlock the code to understanding your own adhd
& find what works for you!
Does this sound familiar?
You start a new program or project full of enthusiasm when it’s all shiny and new, only to quickly lose interest when the novelty wears off?
Do you say things like this to yourself…
I feel so overwhelmed and disorganized. I procrastinate, I lose things, I’m nearly always late, I miss deadlines because I leave things until the last minute. I’m just not living up to my potential. I could earn so much more money if I could just put all my great ideas into practice.
We all have these problems from time to time…BUT, if you feel like these challenges are running your life, or if you have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, there IS hope.
Whether you are ADHD or not, working with us can help. Trained ADHD coaches are experts in helping you manage these ‘executive function’ and other problems. These challenges are also common to many people living with Executive Function Disorder (EFD), Anxiety, Depression, ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder (incl. autism and Asperger’s syndrome), Bipolar Disorder, as well as those with learning disabilities.

Jack Retman
Resolution Life Coaching
Australia: 0400-582-666
Int: +61-400-582-666
Rediscover your potential